I: been on the ground so long They've forgotten how tall you are You walk into an alley on your way home and find yourself swarmed with familiar faces, family and friends. Turns out, you stepped into a flash mob performance of Julius Caesar, just in time for the assassination scene. As they plunge their knives into you, they tell you how pure their intentions are, and really, it's for your own good. You drop to a fetal position and they begin kicking and spitting on you before heading back to their respective areas to catch Jeopardy or whatever. You peel yourself off the ground with what strength you have left and stumble your way back into the public. The sunlight exposes your disfigurement. Your bruised face is unrecognizable. You have been transfigured by suffering. You stumble towards others for help and they say you are making a scene, rambling about how you're a human being and deserved better as blood pours from your mouth. This is an outrage. How dare this narcissist talk of dignity while displaying a voyeuristic act of suffering? So, you're left to cook in the heat of the day. Scene 2: Christ knows that Judas has already betrayed him. He knows Peter will deny him. With this past and present in mind, he ministers to them and hosts a meal for them, while openly acknowledging his awareness of these betrayals. He doesn't torment them. He knows their actions are punishment unto themselves. He is in the presence of the man who has, in effect, sentenced him to torture and death, and chooses to repay him in generosity. III: todd Daniel I just wanna talk stats real quick. I have written and released four of my own books and recorded two audiobooks in one take in the last five years. Long Shot Books has put out three books, a nearly feature length documentary, apparel and other merch, as well as online contributions like other people's work, podcasts, interviews, etc. (To give myself too much credit, at least 75% of that work is credited to the artists, of course, and 15% is Maureen's work.) That is while navigating losing and re building everything in my personal life. That is while being on medication that kept me borderline catatonic. That is while working a day job plus some. That is while being under fire for having morality and not submitting to mob mentality. That is while dealing with grief. that is with both my hands tied behind my back. The last five years were a warm-up. I was just stretching. I wanna make that clear. If you think I'm talking out my butt, look at my numbers. That's not ego. I've been given little but abuse from a majority of people this past half-decade. That's self-defense, saying, yeah, a lot of people were speed bumps but I made it there anyhow. That's not "suffering makes for great art." I'm not giving awful people credit for my work. I was gonna do what I'm doing no matter what. I accomplished what I have despite the suffering. That is a gaslighting platitude people tell artists. "You're welcome for hurting you. Now you can find the strength to heal." Fuck that, you already had the strength. IV: You I'm not talking about just myself here. I'm just a loudmouth speaking up because others are suffering and succeeding in silence. I'm saying what everybody whos' made something of themselves should tell theirselves. Be thankful for the lessons you've learned from other people's mistakes but don't thank them for inflicting them upon you. I've made mistakes, too. I've hurt people I care about and people I should have been more caring towards. Someone told me my wrongful actions helped them grow and I was like, "No, dude. you did that. All I did was fumble. You're the one that picked the ball up and carried it to the goal." People say this in jest but you literally are a gift to the world. You have potential in you that you owe the world. You mean something to others, including people that you don't yet know look up to you and people who don't even know of you yet. When people try to strip you of your value, reduce yourbaccomploshments, or make you feel futile, they're just another weight, another rep. V: Us I'm not saying to hate them or to treat the implied "other" cruelly. They matter just as much as you or I do. If someone's lashing out, they are likely acting in pain. You ever stubbed your toe? You ever been spoken to within thirty seconds of stubbing your toe? Most people are not at their most patient or understanding when hurting. We all have inherent value. Some people's souls look like the lungs of someone dying from a life of smoking and air pollution. Treat them with sympathy, patience, and support. Try to see challenging people as a challenge, a test of your own kindness. Think, (but probably don't say, because it looks better written than it sounds said) "What hurt you? How can I help you repair what this world has done to you? What is your masterpiece and how can I help you build it?"
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